Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How AI changed the real estate industry

How AI changed the real estate industry

Image source: https://image.freepik.com/vecteurs-libre/collection-moderne-immobilier-logo_23-2147551599.jpg

How AI changed the real estate industry

The use of artificial intelligence protects residents from credit cards fraud and can suggest the most relevant Netflix shows based on user preferences. AI, however, is able to exert influence, as can show agent characteristics and appeal to potential buyers, both of which are a useful and lucrative opportunity for the technology. How can AI help buyers, sellers, investors and property managers? The time for AI is now Potential home buyers can use the AI if they seek more information about available real estate.
The use of virtual tours is becoming more and more popular and individuals can receive information about general questions from the bots to get them to an agent. It is expected that bots will be able to answer nuanced requests in the field of advanced technology. Truss is a startup company offering a chat bot name Vera with its KI-powered platform for those interested in leasing. A sales messenger with the name Holmes is also available to respond to first requests and to transfer users to people if they can not provide any necessary details or information.
In such cases, bots become a first point of contact for interested buyers and sellers. Realtors appreciate the technology, while worrying about the possibility that job automation threatens their jobs. One way of thinking is that many repeating services provided by agents can be eliminated with AI, leaving only highly specialized practitioners. However, the new software, when integrated into the services offered, can significantly increase the efficiency for those who want to buy rents. Agents and Property Managers, with the intelligent use of AI, can more effectively meet the needs of different parties.

Influence on investors and agents It is not only possible to gain efficiency for property agents and potential buyers of real estate, but also property management becomes easier. AI Automation allowed boutique owners to engage commercial publishers with AI Chatbot interactions with Amazon Echo.
This high level of service and attention can help the owners of commercial real estate keep the current commercial tenants and maintain good machinery and infrastructure. AI may also offer merchants, brokers and asset managers additional transparency in relation to their real estate portfolio.
Appfolio and VTS provide a visualization dashboard that integrates contract documents, accounting systems, and market data. These solutions are for companies that need to sell, market and manage commercial real estate. The future of AI in the real estate industry There is great potential when it comes to AI. While it may be a disruptive technology, it may currently offer benefits to residential and commercial property agents, managers, buyers and tenants. Virtual tours are just the first improvements that come with investments in AI technologies.

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Image source: http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/q8iPKQHYxMCM2DQV2aW_.A--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQyMTtweG9mZj01MDtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz0...