Monday, April 30, 2018

Over Possessive and Over-jealous Filipino Women Married to Foreign Nationals - Part 1

Over Possessive and Over-jealous Filipino Women Married to Foreign Nationals - Part 1

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Over Possessive and Over-jealous Filipino Women Married to Foreign Nationals - Part 1


Forgotten Factor

Having to deal with possessive Filipino women may be one of the elements that a few foreign nationals perhaps had forgotten to factor in while they were in search of that special someone from the Philippines to share their lives with.

It is apparent that some Filipino women who, after being married to Westerners or other foreign nationals, have decided, consciously or unconsciously to be possessive or even over-possessive of their husbands. It seems that these women act that way as a means to control their foreigner national husbands. By control, I mean to somehow shield them away from not the elements but from the rest of the Philippine society.

By definition, these women are manipulative. Some of these women would go the extra mile in their possessiveness as to raise their hands on their docile foreign national husbands as a way to further subdue them should the latter tell them something that may hurt their feelings, regardless of how truthful that something can be.

Obviously, these married men cannot do much to repair the damage caused by their manipulative wives because they are quite old. They feel that it is too late for them to terminate their marriage relationships and to start again their search of love from scratch. Indeed, time is not on their side, and a result, their abusive Filipino wives take advantage of that.

It appears to me that some Filipino women are unaware that it is not customary for a wife to raise her hands on their husbands in the Western world or in the Arab world, and other parts of the world. This might be permissible in self-defense only in some countries. It is one of these possessive Filipino women's failings and shortcomings that needs to be addressed.

If such an issue is not given the proper attention, then you can expect the weakening of the marital bonds which can lead to full separation of the couple or even to divorce if they were married in the Philippines. Is that the wish of these over-jealous and possessive Filipino women, married to foreign nationals? They are the only who might be able to answer this question; yet, do not even count on it.

Husbands Viewed as Unique Possession

As I see it, there is nothing wrong for a married woman to feel a bit jealous if she realizes that her husband flirts or likes to flirt with another woman or other girls. In fact, such flirting behavior tends to lead to extra marital affairs, which in turn creates difficulties in most marriage relationships. But, an over-jealous woman would not wait for her husband to flirt with another girl or woman in order to accuse him of doing so. I personally know two few foreign nationals who are married to jealous Filipino wives.

Their domestic life is not the sweetest you can think of on earth. These women's intentions are clear: a) keep their husbands at home where nobody else would see them, except the domestic helper and the children, if any, b) go on vacations once in a while, as their budgets allow, where their husbands would have little or no opportunity to talk to no women. How would you feel if you were one of these married men? What would your reactions be when your Filipino over-jealous wife places so many restrictions on your life?

Part II to follow. Please stay tuned.

Over 70 percent of Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed in Men Over 65 Years of Age

Over 70 percent of Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed in Men Over 65 Years of Age

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Over 70 percent of Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed in Men Over 65 Years of Age

Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men, and the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in America, other than skin cancer. One out of every six American men will develop prostate cancer at some point in his life, and an American man is 33% more likely to get prostate cancer than an American woman is to get breast cancer.

The prostate is a male sexual reproductive organ, in front of the rectum, and just below the urinary bladder. A healthy prostate averages around 3 centimeters in diameter, and weighs around 20 grams. The prostate is responsible for producing and storing some of the fluids that comprise semen. Within the prostate are many little glands where this fluid production occurs. The cells in these glands, like most cells of the body, live for a while before dying and being replaced in an orderly fashion. Prostate cancer occurs when new cells are made in these glands in an abnormal fashion, growing out of control and forming a tumor. Tumors can either be benign, or malignant. A malignant tumor of the prostate gland is called prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer in itself is not fatal. The danger of prostate cancer is that the cancer cells may spread or "metastasize" to other vital areas of the body. This is a danger of any kind of cancer, and occurs when cancer cells circulate through the body by way of blood or lymph. Common areas where the cancer cells may invade are bones, lungs, brain and lymph nodes, and cancers in these areas can be fatal.

Over 70% of prostate cancer is diagnosed in men over 65 years of age, and the majority of the other cases are found in men over 50, although it can sometimes occur in even very young men. Prostate cancer is normally a relatively slow growing cancer, especially in older men, and therefore many men with prostate cancer will end up dying from some other unrelated cause before the cancer causes any serious damage.

It is unclear as to what the causes behind prostate cancer are. It is known that the cells in the prostate glands operate under the control of male sex hormones, such as testosterone, and the development of cancer in the gland may be hormone related. There is also evidence to suggest that genetics and diet both play a part in the likelihood in developing the cancer.

In its early stages, prostate cancer often has no noticeable symptoms. It is therefore wise for any male over the age of 50 to regularly receive a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, which can detect early stage forms of the cancer. If caught in the earlier stages, the chances of recovering from prostate cancer are very good with today's available treatments.

Optical Sensors Market Drivers, Challenges and Scope

Optical Sensors Market Drivers, Challenges and Scope

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Optical Sensors Market Drivers, Challenges and Scope

The progression of technology and innovation in the optics sensors technology and business has presented an ocean of opportunities to the various segments and sub-segments of the technology; namely fiber optic sensors, image sensors, position sensors, ambient light and proximity sensors and infrared sensors. Some of the characteristics of the device that make it suitable for application are its small size, its ability to operate without electrical power, its ability to be multiplexed along the length of the fibers and its ability to sense time delay as light passes through each sensor.

These Optical sensors can be utilized in a wide range like aerospace, medical, industrial, telecommunications due to their ability to be non-conductive and withstand hash environmental conditions.

Some of the factors driving the market are the rapid technological developments in the domain, its rising applications in healthcare/medical sector and the oil and gas segment. Investment in the healthcare sector has led to an increase in the demand of high-tech imaging devices and equipment in hospitals and healthcare centres. Another prominent factor driving the market is the affordability of mobile phones, smartphones and tablets today. A crucial driving force of the technology is the intrinsic role for military uses.

Market research suggests that the Optical Sensor Market will grow in the developing regions of APAC and Latin America and a relatively slow growth will be observed over the African Subcontinent on account of the low 4G LTE (Long-Term Evolution) deployment in the region.

The market has also tremendously benefitted from the new growth of LED Lightings and the fast adoption of sensors for factory automation and smart systems.

Though the technology has increased several possibilities and scope for application, the cost of adopting the technology is a primary barrier in the segment. Another factor hindering the growth of the industry is the reluctance from the end-users in employing the new innovations in the Optical Sensors Market. Substantial opportunity gets lost in the compromise between the quality of the images/products and the price of the sensors. A major obstruction to the growth of the industry is the high organizational expenses. This hurdle is fast being solved due to the high governmental subsidies being provided to boost R&D in the optical sensing field.

The use of optical fibers around the world has undoubtedly increased with a rise in the demand for endoscopic imaging, leading to the emergence and application of the technology across diverse domains such as R&D, manufacturing, defense, healthcare, process control etc.

The growth of technologies that can help build a compact electrical circuit will continue in the next few years as well. The Optical Sensing technology has also yet to achieve its optimum potential in the oil, gas and wind sector. Firms, by and large, are working on technological innovations with respect to improving the pixel size, pixel resolution, pixel count and the performance of these devices to maintain a competitive edge in the industry. The industry indeed leaves tremendous scope for Research and Development (R&D) in the near future.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Opteka Digital Photo Frame

Opteka Digital Photo Frame

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Opteka Digital Photo Frame

When it comes to buying a gift for men, women are usually stumped. The choice for men is just so limited. But one thing that can go for both men and women is technology. Today's generation is crazy about all things digital. Whether its an iPhone, an iPod or a digital camera, the more technologically inclined the product is, the bigger hit it will become.

Talking of digital cameras, they're not the only happening thing. A digital photo frame is the best way to complement these cameras. Nearly everyone owns a digicam and nothing would please them more than being able to showcase their pictures without having to take a print out. As far as quality is concerned, the Opteka digital photo frame is a great choice.

Opteka supplies digital photo frames ranging from an 8 inch LCD screen to a 15 inch one. It comes with a display resolution of 800 x 600 along with a 4:3 aspect ratio. What's more, it is equipped with cool features like image rotation, video and even music playback. You can store up to 1GB of photos , along with a calendar and an alarm clock. Now that's what I call an all in one gadget!

The Opteka digital picture frame is the best digital camera accessory money can buy. The one with a 15 inch TFT LCD screen is big enough to flaunt on your mantel or even your wall. This frame is capable of showcasing JPEG and AVI Motion JPEG photographs, and even plays your favorite MP3 songs. What's more, you can store up to 128 MB of pictures and songs in this cool frame.

The resolution this photo frame offers is 1024 x 768 so your photos look spectacular when displayed. Besides, it makes sure that the images don't appear stretched in any way. Another cool feature of this Opteka digital picture frame is the petite wireless remote you get with it. With this you can control your digital photo frame from anywhere in the room. Easy to set up and easier to use, it's the must-have gadget for all photography enthusiasts.

The Opteka digital photo frame offers a USB PC interface and supports all sorts of external memory cards like Flash memory, memory sticks, multimedia cards, SD/ XD cards, etc. It comes with a special cleaning cloth to clear any dust on the LCD. Opteka provides a 1 year warranty on its picture frames.

It is easier to buy your Opteka digital picture frame from the web. Here you will get a good choice along with amazing discounts. So go ahead, get this cool camera accessory and showcase your memories in a different style!

Monty Alexander has written many articles on digital photo frame, mobile phone, digital camera, laptops etc.

Open Head Injury, Skull Fractures and TBI

Open Head Injury, Skull Fractures and TBI

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Open Head Injury, Skull Fractures and TBI

Though traumatic brain injury does not always involve a fractured skull, the term "open head injury" is used when the affected individual's skull is penetrated by an object, such as a bullet or bone fragment. This differs from a "closed brain injury", which involves a non-invasive blow to the head through sports, a car accident, or another incident. The term "open head injury" actually refers to the condition of the skull rather than that of the brain; there are different grades of severity in traumatic brain injury of both the open and closed varieties. Open head injury is usually diagnosed with the help of x-rays or other technology such as CAT scans or tomography.

Side Effects of Open Head Injury

When the skull is broken, the delicate tissues of the brain are exposed to further harm in the form of infections or further injury during other blows. In addition, bone fragments remaining from a traumatic brain injury such as a fall or car accident can move around and injure the brain after the initial traumatic event. While a fracture in the skull can actually give the brain room to swell without negatively impacting the brain, the brain is at risk for infections in exposed tissue. In addition, an open head injury can lead to more severe side effects such as seizures, dementia or even paralysis.

Types of Skull Fractures

There are almost as many varieties of skull fractures as there are ways in which the skull can be broken. The two major varieties of skull fracture in open head injuries are simple "linear" skull fractures and depressed skull fractures.

Linear Fractures

The term "linear skull fracture" is used to refer to a straightforward crack or break in the skull. Linear fractures may be relatively minor and require little or no treatment, though doctors will still want to diagnose and treat the potential damage caused to the brain upon impact and breakage of the skull. The placement of linear fractures is important; when a linear skull fracture extends into the sinus cavity, it may cause leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the ears or nose and may require insertion of a drainage device. If the linear skull fracture occurs near the base of the skull, it may cause other complications such as nerve or artery damage.

Depressed Skull Fractures

The term "depressed skull fracture" is used to refer to a situation in which the broken bone presses down into or on top of the brain. Depressed skull fractures are common in victims of traumatic brain injury whose heads have been struck with blunt objects. A depressed skull fracture can be compared to a "dent" in the skull; surgery is usually required if the depth of the dent equals or exceeds the thickness of the skull bone which surrounds it.

Treating Open Head Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury

There are several options for the victims of open head injuries and related brain damage. As stated above, some patients may require surgical intervention if the skull is depressed beyond repair or to remove errant bone shards that can threaten further brain injury. Bone fragments may be removed or replaced with synthetic skull pieces to protect the fragile brain tissue. In addition, some patients whose open head injuries are never repaired may have to wear a helmet to prevent re-injury in the case of a fall due to a seizure or other event.

If You've Suffered From Open Head Injury or TBI

If you have suffered from brain injury due to a skull fracture or other open head injury, you may be eligible for compensation and damages to make up for medical expenses, lost wages, and future medical care. Contact an experienced brain injury attorney for more information on filing your traumatic brain injury claim and recovering damages for traumatic brain injury side effects.

Numis Network Review - Building Wealth and Preserving Wealth

Numis Network Review - Building Wealth and Preserving Wealth

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Numis Network Review - Building Wealth and Preserving Wealth

Numis Network is a young corporation, put together by know-how, which has an intense idea: that of becoming the largest retailer of graded silver and gold numismatic coins on all continents. Its founders, partners Ian Cordell, Chris Kent and Jake Kevorkian, have more than 20 years of knowledge in the management of direct sales and network marketing companies. The three business partners also have International Direct Selling Technology Corporation, important software and technology supplier in the business. Still, without the experience of the important numismatic sales representative Mike Mezack, pioneer in the retailing of graded, modern release silver and gold coins, the advancement of Numis Network would almost certainly not have been feasible.

Numis Network offers the exclusive opportunity to produce, gather and keep wealth, by investing in graded silver and gold coins from the world's top government mints, as well as to obtain a residual income from people's passion of collecting coins. The items Numis Network recommends are not regular uncertified bullion coins, but certified, graded coins, from government mints such as the United States, Canada, China, Austria, Australia. in this way, Numis Network does not mean to be a precious metal investment plan, but a numismatic business program concentrating on graded gold and silver coins. The coins are graded and certified by the most reliable coin grading societies - the ANACS, the NGC, the PCGS.

The price of the coins is based on precious metal percentage, as well as infrequency, collector demand and coin precondition. A coin graded 70 (MS70) is in practically perfect numismatic condition. You have the occasion to acquire the most popular collectible coin of all, the American Silver Eagle, graded MS70.

With these coins, you can build up a set that does not suffer the loss of value with the passing of time, a real heritage that can be cherished for generations. Also, the moment to start would be just right, as you are being offered a chance to get a place for yourself ahead of the stream: Numis Network is opening up a new market category within the network marketing business, by setting up an entire business scheme that sells numismatic coins by means of network marketing. By combining ingredients such as: low risk, low initial cost, great profit potential, support scheme 100% functional, flawless product, simplicity and compliance, as well as a strong rewarding scheme, Numis Network has succeeded in creating a fascinating, solid system with numerous streams of income. A perfect plan.

Nonetheless, a perfect plan would have to bring in a perfect MLM marketing plan, wouldn't it? Numis Network is laying in front of your eyes the perfect plan, but it is up to you to do your training and become skilled in efficient marketing strategies, so as to produce the lead flow indispensable to develop your business into a large business. Do not feel depressed, as Numis Network allows you to produce wealth, with a killer marketing plan and a mentor that can guide you through the internet world. You can increase your success rate 10 fold and find out that you can be a success with an attitude of success. Take action and learn how you can gain from this developing trend of online MLM Marketing strategies.

Kenny Gregg has helped thousands of people with his reviews such as
Numis Review
are a great way to preserve wealth in this current economy. If you want to learn the simple
strategies that have allowed Kenny Gregg and thousands of his students to break through,
visit his MLM Secrets To Success

Saturday, April 28, 2018

NTC Regulations and VoIP in the Philippines

NTC Regulations and VoIP in the Philippines

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NTC Regulations and VoIP in the Philippines

Nowadays, very seldom can you find countries without computers. The Philippines is a small country in Asia, and is rather behind compared to already developed countries. But this doesn't mean that local residents are not aware of the new trends on the net.

There are many problems in the country that needs to be resolved. All the authorities are looking for ways to address the different problems in order to attain progress. And that is why rules and regulations are established for local residents to follow.

The National Telecommunications Commissions or the NTC regulates and addresses all issues concerning telecommunications. And one of the many things that the institution is trying to monitor is VoIP services.

VoIP is not new in the market; in fact, it has been used for a number of years now. But not all people are aware of its services; and what the different providers has to offer. According to the NTC, all VoIP providers are required to place a bond of guaranteed performance, and must have a paid-up minimum capital in order to deliver their services to the people.

You must be aware that there are many scams going on in the Internet. And the NTC is just protecting the people from possible scams. Their effort is geared towards blocking fly-by-night VoIP providers to protect applicants.

Because of this effort, VoIP providers are now required to pass through fixed-line networks of carriers.

A lot of VoIP providers are attracted to the Philippine market because they are aware that many Filipinos are working overseas. And so their families in the country are always making overseas calls. There are at least 8 million overseas Filipino workers, and this is quite a huge market.

The NTC assigned codes to the different companies concentrated in local exchange. According to the guidelines set by the NTC, all in and outbound VoIP should pass the local exchange's network. Those providers using foreign addresses are prohibited in doing business in the country because they bypass the network.

In the Philippine context, a VoIP provider is an entity or a person who provides VoIP services directly to the people. They may also be resellers who are paid with certain amounts of compensation. They are required to post a performance bond worth five million pesos and having at least a capital of ten million pesos.

The cost of making an international call at present is about $0.40 per minute. And if a person is using VoIP, the cost in making international calls can be greatly reduced to as low as $0.10 or lower per minute. A lot of Filipino families can save as high as 75%.

The NTC further requires that VoIP providers posting performance bonds should be from registered surety companies or insurance companies.

This is one main reason why many VoIP providers are hesitant to make any investment in the Philippines. Many telecommunications companies are claiming that the issue has long been in debate, and that they have rights to provide service in the country at a much lower capital. But they can't argue with the authorities. The NTC is quite firm as to their rules and regulations. This is only to protect small investors and its local residents as well.

In order for VoIP providers to penetrate the Philippine market, they must comply first with all the requirements set forth by the National Telecommunications Commission. And this is the only time that they can do legal business.

The Philippines has a very large market for overseas calling. Now, almost all current companies are quite competitive in giving their telephone service to many overseas Filipinos. In fact, there are different offers which allow the different families to save in making their international calls.

But if the VoIP providers can penetrate the market, the local residents will benefit greatly because all international calls will surely be much cheaper compared to the current rates being offered. Almost every person welcomes an opportunity to save money, and with VoIP around, there is another option for the people.

All other Asian nations are benefiting from the advantages of VoIP. But soon enough, after the long debates are through, the VoIP providers can do business in the country.

No Contact Rule Why It Is So Important

No Contact Rule Why It Is So Important

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No Contact Rule Why It Is So Important

ooppttr elpp jbb���������������� i  bboodd ommuuee uupprtt eiivvnniigg rrvvll n hh oodd f .... liitt e haall oo eaaee roo xpllrrttoo,,aaddtteeeedd o ll uu xploriiggwwll e o rriieewweeeeww ttrree nn nnwwtteeppaaee frrtteeffrrttttmm..TTaaeellnniiaannttaaoottaaquuringgaappspprr nn iia. I ssaaoottttee rreeoo tt ntaiiss  ttii bbuu hh asspoott t  iieeaaddjjyy t s boot hee sooiisswwiihhoo�emakes in the course of his travel. It is much more than government seals on passportsand custom's verification. One simply does not travel by flying to a new land. But is only a true traveller when he goes there with a mind of exploration and enthusiasm. It is very necessary to go to a place with all our heart and soul. Without the intention of exploration and curiosity a journey becomes monotonous and futile. We travel to find purpose, while the whole purpose of travel is to find our inner selves. Travelling opens gate to knowledge, a wise man once said. It is very true,apart from knowledge it opens gates to spirituality, love, courtesy and friendship. One learns the true value of these when he steps out in a new world, completely different to the one he has been living for all his life. The onlything he needs to make his escape is money. No journey is possible without proper funds. So, to make travel easier, there are many travel websites which give proper guidance on how to travel cheap. Using computer repair jobs, computer support abroad can fetch the desired results too. Sites such as Hovos are benefactors for people who want to travel but do not have proper funding. Hovos gives them opportunities to earn and get some offers from clients called host. The host iswilling to offer food and shelter to the volunteers. These volunteers are mainlytourists visiting that particular place. In this process they both benefit from each other's service. Hence, it is fair and just to use it. All the more, it is a very good example of how mutual cooperation works. In today's world it is very necessary to learn to co-exist. Hovos lets us do that. Thereare multiple jobs mentioned on Hovos such as teaching a language to a kid,pet sitting, project volunteering, construction jobs, farming, fruit picking etc. Computer support abroad, computer repair jobsare some of those pretty basic jobs. EARN WHILE YOU TRAVEL To think of earning whiletravelling is very fascinating. People have great opportunities in their ways and it is up to them to grab all of them. Hovos for example lets one choose between the jobs very easily according to the interest and ease of the volunteer. Some try to have jobs which they might have experience in while some try jobs which might be new but interesting. All together the end result is pretty much the same, as they are getting free meals and a place to stay in for free. Sometimes some of these jobs involve payment also which varies from hosts to hosts. If it is about help in lodging and food jobs like computer help for free, computer support abroad, computer repair jobs are very good if one knows computers well. COMPUTER SUPPORT It is interesting to see how things have changed in today's world. There was a time when sending letters was a tedious job but now with the rise of emailing companies that can be done on the go digitally without having to use a pen or paper. The tasks which would take us hours and now done witha single click and with light fast speed. With the dawn of computer age, everything has become simpler, more concise and quick. But what happens one we change some of our habits suddenly? It is always difficult to adapt. It is really hard to make a transition. Still, there are many people who don't know how to use a computer. The younger generation has no problem dealing with it as they are brought up in this age right from birth. But for the middle aged and elderly people it is something new and difficult to learn. They clearly need our assistance and support to make them aware how this new aged technology works. For example, we have many a times helped our parents with the lanwifi, their smartphones whatever and whenever they needed. In the same way there are people who don't have that privilege, hence want someone to give them some computer help for free. These people are willing to give full lodging and meals to those helping them to cope up with this machinery. Not only them, but everyone needs computer support at one time or the other. Some things are more technical that can only be done by an expert. One who has a good command on computer science. Volunteers who provide computer support abroad are mostly familiar with the internal working as well as the hardware assembly of the computer. The term computer support means the process of diagnosing, troubleshooting, maintenance and repair ofa computer or similar another technical device. It also involves the assembly of varioushardware of a computer system such as printers, scanners, monitor, CPU etc. It enables users or clients in this case to seek and receive specialized computer maintenance locally in their homes or work place or remotely over the internet. Computer support is a bit different from what is called technical support which is a more generalized part of IT based support.The assistance that they provide ranges from general operations and its hardware,software,operating system or network issues. Locally it can be done by physically working on the system while remotely it can be done by guiding the client step by step over a call,email,chat or video conferencing. Remotely too, a computer support technician can log in to a system to analyse the problem. The basic skills needed for being able to provide computer support is to have interpersonal and problem-solving skills, familiarity with Windows and Mac operating systems, knowledge about servers, hardware like graphics card, RAM, IC and Microsoft products. Though no such degree or graduation is needed for this job. But for credibility and dependability one should possess some kind of certification courses by companies like Microsoft, HP etc. Hence,we see that one can effectively use his skill set for his own good. Be it earning money anywhere in the world or managing the travelling expenses one makes. As we said earlier, the true meaning to our journey is not given by our travelling far but by the travelling to one's inner self. If we could listen closely to the voices in our head, they all tell us to follow our dreams. And to follow your dream you need to see how the world works, see people, interact with them and learn from them. We have often heard about people saying that mistakes are a stepping stone to success. But, in reality we should not be waiting to make mistakes, learning is a far better step to step on to strive for success. Focus on it, use your abilities. If you are good at computers and you want to make a foreign tour you need to look for computer support jobs abroad. Author's Bio: Ravi Sharma is an expert travel partner for travel articles related to Volunteering services abroad and who provides information about computer help jobs in abroad . Get all exclusive information about hosts looking for volunteers for computer jobs overseas.

Nikken Water Filter ReviewPiMag Aqua Pour

Nikken Water Filter ReviewPiMag Aqua Pour

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Nikken Water Filter ReviewPiMag Aqua Pour

In this commentary we take a look at the Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour Water Filter, and compare it with other like commercially available countertop water filtration systems. Nikken is a Japanese network marketing, or MLM, corporation founded in 1975. One of their very different product line features is the Nikken magnets. These magnets are used in the water filtration process, as well as the many other wellness product lines manufatured by Nikken. We were interested in both the technology as well as how a network marketing product fared against others in the marketplace.

We found the Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour Gravity Water System available on in both new and used condition. The Nikken website lists this item at $299.00 and includes a short video overview as well as information about dangers present in both tap water and bottled water. We certainly have the same opinion on these points.

Other related Nikken water filter products include the Deluxe Countertop Water System, the Deluxe Under Counter System, Optimizer II, and Ultra Shower System. The company video claims that its magnetic technology doesn't remove beneficial components during the filtration process as does reverse osmosis technology and other purification techniques.

Although having no personal experience with the Nikken water filters, rather we sought to see how they were rated by people that have actually used them. To accomplish this, we analyzed customer ratings existing on and other Internet sources.

In addition to the PiMag Aqua Pour, we reviewed consumer ratings and comments of two competitive products, albeit using distinct technology. Beginning with the Nikken water filter product:

Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour Rating - 3.5 Star Rating - The reviews of this product were mixed.. One comment that is of concern is that the company will reportedly not make public independent lab test results (the Nikken website does include a statement that the PiMag water system "meets or exceeds the standards specified in ANSI/NSF 42 and 53").

New Berkley Water Filter System

Big Berkey Water Filter System - 4 Star Rating - All reviews are highly favorable. One comment included a reference to independent testing: The Black Berkey filter formulation has been tested by State and EPA accredited laboratories to exceed EPA and ANSI/NSF (Std. 53) protocol, and included a link to see test results from the University of Arizona, Spectrum Labs and the LSU Department of Toxicology and Environmental Science.

Multipure Countertop Water Filter

Multipure CBVOCSC Countertop Water Filter - 4.5 Star Rating - All reviews highly laudatory - Only concern mentioned was: "I wish the flexible pipe was a little longer, so I could position the filter further away from the sink." According to product description: "Complete lab tests and California certifications are available at the company's web site."

Finally, the Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour Water Filter and other Nikken magnetic-based technologies seem to be very popular. If the company would publish independent test results we could recommend this product without reservation. Competitive produt evaluations are slightly better, although a small number of reviews is available.

Friday, April 27, 2018

New Trends and Developments in Mobile Technology

New Trends and Developments in Mobile Technology

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New Trends and Developments in Mobile Technology

In the new era of technology, mobile phones are the fascinating technology we use. From just a medium of communication to being one of our best mates, cell phones have come a long way. Now, it is very had to spend even a single day without using your mobile.

With 2018 ahead of us, its good time to take a look at the new development and trends in the cell phone technology, and how they could change the way we interact with the world around us and each other. This work delves into some of the technological improvements that have occurred in the sector over the past years.

1. Flexible Designs

There is an undeniable success of Samsung Galaxy Note 8, and Edge says much about the consumer demand and new form factors. Into a single cohesive unit, Samsung has managed to fuse function with style. The outcome is a classy look and easy to operate a phone. Such technologies are just but a hint of what is expected in the future.

2. Improvement in Battery Life and Capacity

According to sampled consumer surveys around the globe, it proves that low battery life of the outgoing smartphone technology is one of the single annoyance users have to deal with on a daily basis. The year 2016 saw the introduction of the 3000 mAh territory, and we expect the trend to continue moving forward. Besides, a battery of high capacity needs long hours to charge, and that's exactly why fast charging technology such as Qualcomm in Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is my favorite. Moreover, this technology speeds up the charging process by up to 75%.

Wireless charging technology is slowly being adopted. Fairly ubiquitous, the technology based on Qi has shaped how devices clients simply lay their phones on a charging pad. Also, the Watt Up promise a wire-free charging system.

Despite the promising changes in the battery capacity and life, one thing is clear: The current Li-ion is not able to keep up with advancement in the processing power. Thus, Introduction of the Sodium-ion may be the real game changer.

3. Wireless Networks

With a planned improvement in the LTE standard, there is a likely hood to see a great change in bandwidth with peak data rates up to 4 Gbps for downloads and 2 Gbps for upload. Already, the advanced LTE-A has been rolled out, though in a few Asian countries. This has been made possible, thanks to "carrier aggregation" technology.

Carrier aggregation has simplified the way devices able to send and receive data from different frequencies. Some advancement in the wireless technology has been rolled out including 4GX and VoLTE (Voice over LTE). Just as the name suggests, the technology will allow users to transmit their voice of the LTE instead of the current cell phone networks.

Being the real game changer after the launch of Samsung Galaxy Note 8, a lot is expected to happen and if you are a lover of technology be on the watch for the new advancement.

New Technology in Baseball Products

New Technology in Baseball Products

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New Technology in Baseball Products

With the game comes the gear, as technology advances into the 21st century so does technological baseball products. There are some extremely interesting baseball products that are being produced year after year. From baseball gear, to protection, to improving your swing, protecting equipment and memorabilia, the coming years promise great technological advances and some old favorites. Each praised for the high quality, competitive pricing, and innovative designs. Here is a rundown on some of the products that you can expect to see now and in the future.

Major League Baseball is advancing into the digital age by testing and using technologies to assist in helping teams, umpires, and individual players achieve optimum performance. Take for example the Umpire Information System (UIS) that tracks the baseball from the pitcher's hand all the way until it crosses the plate. This innovative product borrows technology from the United States military missile tracking devices, monitoring pitch location and trajectory that the umpire holds on a laptop computer. Then there is the SportMaster Pro device that works in tracking pitch- by- pitch and handles databases of the pitchers, batter performance, and types of pitches thrown. This handy little gadget operates by the use of a touch-screen tablet and is light weight and durable. An oldie- but- goody is the Digital Scout, first deemed to be the official handheld statistical software in 2002. This software enables both coaches and fans to track statistical and scouting data on a handheld device that uses point -and-touch technology. Using the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) as its platform this software is great for collecting player and team performance and even report printing.

But with everything that computers can do, baseball purists argue that technology takes from the human aspect of the game. While others say that it only enhances statistical data and adds accuracy and efficiency in performance monitoring. Which ever way you lean technological advances in baseball are an asset that allows teams to organize their information without any the real threat of replacing managers, coaches, scouts, or players by computers.

The ever popular video analysis adds that special aspect of real-time playback and the ability to review from many different angles the player's style or techniques. Panasonic had developed a video coaching system with the capacity to archive 400 hours or more of video used by coaches to search, view, and compare players. It's going to be very interesting to watch and wait to see what we can think of next.

New technology by Web Data Scraping

New technology by Web Data Scraping

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New technology by Web Data Scraping

cn  llyyaa mpprrant ooee i uu  iiee ss ee ae. arr f hh enss ff eeffeettee ss ovvoossyytteeccnncioosseessoo eenn sefuu..PPtt,,tt�eeeooee akk tt ossiill llooffrrooddrr pooll  oossttssyysscc eeess b  nnbbiiggttee o ook ffee ooebody, ee,,tt aaeett loo ffee omebdd aaddtt aaeerrssoossbblltt or ooeeooyy /p>
ttaa ssnnoossffee hhii ett  iieettee he ffeeiiggoo eenn ssffll,,oo  "beiiggaalleett ookkaattrrssmmbbdd"" ff "oo eeng lone nn ssllttdd..MMrrooee,, addgg orr issaace, ooll elp oo "orget neeeeff addooee roblems" nd t llvv nn's reeettmm nnaammaaiigguu nn nneeeettnn ay". ll hese rggmmnnssaaee o rrat mmoottnnee frr pooll  raahhngg ltee happeess o heirrllvvss<p>
nneossinii netgton readigteitrcin ewe h eirhmnbiga i e ave ee ard taloer th word.Teentol ofre vradoe gi e slso ht"bdeia td" u ls shwdadtoa oiieefcs eso le epe<p Pet
ell oo iihh ggiiss pptty nd ndiiffrennc. lderrppooll ttr  ooggttiittresttd ggii oo a geettrreettnn n veett n heerrvvccnntt nn nntteerr srroonniigg..//>>
ell oo iihh ggiiss pptty nd ndiiffrennc. lderrppooll ttr  ooggttiittresttd ggii oo a geettrreettnn n veett n heerrvvccnntt nn nntteerr srroonniigg..//>>
ey eepptt ee vee ad vennssbb eppeseettnn oo nnttnneeaallvvnn ooe oddll t aassddaaaa  eessnnoo  yybbccmmnn ee bbeettvv or ffectionn<p> pTeypeeto eueasn-iddeso eilemn ycmuiaigtesneo ieadb anann htmo h a.
ey eepptt ee vee ad vennssbb eppeseettnn oo nnttnneeaallvvnn ooe oddll t aassddaaaa  eessnnoo  yybbccmmnn ee bbeettvv or ffectionn<p> pTeypeeto eueasn-iddeso eilemn ycmuiaigtesneo ieadb anann htmo h a.
essiinn ann e voidee eccuueetteepptt wner as oo akk arr ffoohhrrthhnngssttaa nly o imssll nn is ww  rrbbeess<p> Pets encourage their owner to physical activity. Be it by playing with them, feeding them, cultivating hygiene or going on a walk with them.

Pets give safety, this particularly to persons who are living alone. Already the barking of a dog helps to keep unwelcome visitors away.

And last but not least: Pets amuse us, make us laugh, improve our moral. Pets need love, companionship and attention no different than the rest of us. They are there in most cases because either no one wanted them any longer, or were dumped having been through a horrific ordeal.


PAWS: "Senior for Seniors" ( adoption program is all about rediscovering the joys of having a cat or dog in your life. Over the years, companion animals have brought joy to our lives and warmth to our homes. The "Seniors for Seniors" program places senior cats and dogs (typically over 7 years of age) with qualified senior citizens who are 60 years of age or older.

The Silver Paws Program ( mature pet lovers with homeless mature pets. Part of AARFs overall foster program network, Silver Paws foster parents participate in foster orientations and trainings with other fosters, which can serve as an antidote to the isolation many mature adults face. The program covers the cost of veterinary care, food and supplies for the foster pets, alleviating the financial concerns that are common.

If you know of a senior who could use a friend I hope you'll consider adoption or fostering.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

New Ride Sharing Alternatives Thrive After Uber Leaves Austin

New Ride Sharing Alternatives Thrive After Uber Leaves Austin

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New Ride Sharing Alternatives Thrive After Uber Leaves Austin

There are various motivations to be incredulous of the corporate "sharing economy," which cases to democratize work and empower individuals to share resources. Organizations like Uber, Airbnb, and Task rabbit encourage shared access to different administrations for users, and guarantee a simple pay for their agreement laborers. In any case, alongside the accommodation come a few risks for those included. On the users' side, there have been real question around the security of these administrations, which have become visible after stories about perilous Airbnb properties and reports of substantial quantities of drivers attacking riders. Accordingly, numerous urban communities have begun to control these administrations.

A month ago, occupants of Austin, Texas, voted to attest city decides that control peer-to-peer ridesharing administrations like cabs, NPR announced. What this implies, in addition to other things, is that these organizations would need to do individual verifications and fingerprints on potential drivers. Uber and Lyft had sunk $8 million into their open battle to crush the law and boycotted the city in dissent by quickly ending operations. Numerous users were alarmed to discover their go-to method of transport dissipates overnight. Then, incalculable drivers endured when their new wellspring of consistent pay was suddenly stopped.

Be that as it may, their anguish may have just been impermanent. Without Uber and Lyft, elective ridesharing administrations have jumped up in their place, The Atlantic reports. It had been troublesome for new players to challenge the duopoly, given their leeway of having numerous drivers and users as of now utilize their administration. Be that as it may, the two organizations' vanishing made an opening for different ventures to rise. In the month since the race, a few littler rideshare new companies have endeavored to fill the void.

One of them is notwithstanding testing the very preface of having corporate agents organize the rides. Arcade City began as a Facebook assemble which is as yet running solid with more than 32,000 individuals where drivers self-arrange into groups to allude and facilitate travelers. The originators of the gathering intend to discharge their mobile application this late spring first to be propelled in Austin in July, trailed by a worldwide form in August. The administration will depend on block chain innovation and is intended to be totally decentralized, so that there would be no association regulating the coordination of drivers with riders.

Some contend that these new directions were intended to smother developing peer-to-peer ridesharing administrations. The way that these choices have sprung up in spite of the controls undermines these cases.

Austin exhibits how the sudden loss of an unregulated would-be imposing business model (or an Uber, Lyft duopoly for this situation) can make an open door for individuals to reconsider how these administrations can be better outlined and administered to serve the general population. It's additionally a contextual analysis in how urban areas can urge city-scale ventures to be equitably possessed and worked by local people for local people, guaranteeing that the general population intrigue precedes investors' interests.

New Innovations and Technologies

New Innovations and Technologies

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New Innovations and Technologies

With Kindle, you can download a book in less than a minute just about anywhere. Kindle is a wireless paperback-sized device which doesn't need a computer to function. The device stores a book either internally or on a flash memory card. You can connect it to a computer with a USB cable to manage your content, but downloads are encrypted for copy protection. Thousands and thousands of Blogs, national magazines and newspapers are now possible for a nominal fee, with this device.

Hewlett-Packard (HP), which has the pride of inventing inkjet technology and DeskJet printer, plans to shut down some of its manufacturing facilities to reduce expenses and focus on core products as the printer industry matures because of fewer fresh inventions.

3D printing is a relatively new technology. It is considered as the physical version of a CAD file. The foundry, construction and automotive industries welcomes the 3D printing technology with open arms as this proves to make their process smooth, efficient and modernized and increases the speed in product development. They can use the 3D printers to print the CAD designed 3D models directly from a CAD file in order to show a finished product to the client before the work has begun. Rapid prototyping and Custom3D offers a fast professional, beneficial and confidential printing service. This Custom3D also provides affordable patent and design protection 3D printing services to the Institute of Inventors and Innovators. This technology is sure to reduce their massive time, labor and cost.

Connex500, a rapid prototyping 3D printing system of Objet Geometries Ltd, has the ability to print parts and assemblies made of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties in a single build process. The system thus enables the manufacture of 3-D parts using several different materials at the same time. In addition, the system allows users to create composite materials that have pre-set combinations of mechanical properties.

Objets Connex500 uses PolyJet Matrix Technology and the most significant Ultraviolet(UV) /Electron-beam (EB) technologies. The system's PolyJet Matrix Technology jets materials in ultra-thin layers, immediately curing each layer with UV light, a process which yields models that closely imitate the appearance, feel and function of the end products.

The system has outstanding and trendsetting design quality recognized worldwide through assessment of the degree of innovation, functionality, ergonomics, durability, environmental compatibility and clarity of function. These features make the automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan to salute this system.

Recently, Connex500 has been recognized for the red dot award, one of the highest and most popular honors for product design and innovation worldwide. It also deserves the pride for receiving this years RadTech USA Emerging Technologies Award which honors outstanding users of ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) technologies.

Connex500 system serves as one of the most innovative and high quality design advances of the past year in the printing industry. The system offers high resolution 3-dimensional printing solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing.

New Cutting-edge Technology Offers Affordable, Effective Acne Treatment

New Cutting-edge Technology Offers Affordable, Effective Acne Treatment

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New Cutting-edge Technology Offers Affordable, Effective Acne Treatment

Few things cause adolescents, and many adults, as much daily embarrassment as acne does. That's why Americans spend more than $100 million a year on over-the-counter acne products! Unfortunately, most don't work leaving acne-sufferers frustrated and desperate to find something that does.

It's this overwhelming need and demand for an effective, affordable acne treatment that informed and inspired the development of LIGHTWAVE Blue Light Therapy and Red Light Therapy. This pain-free, drug-free skin care alternative to treating acne is not only affordable, but natural too. LIGHTWAVE therapy is the healthy, holistic way to improve the condition of your skin.
The Science

According to the American Academy of Dermatology:

"Blue Light gets at the core of what causes acne eruptions: P. acnes, the bacteria responsible for causing acne inflammation, pumps out tiny molecules called porphyrins. When those porphyrins are exposed to certain wavelengths of light, they produce free radicals that kill the bacteria. Without P. acnes around to cause inflammation, the acne clears up."

As for Red Light, the blood vessels in the skin absorb its energy. This stimulates the mitochondria in the cells and starts to convert the photon energy into biochemical energy known as ATP. It's this boost in ATP that increases cellular activity and mitosis which diminishes inflammation and helps to restore normal cellular function.
The Treatment

There are 5 simple steps in LIGHTWAVE Blue Light Therapy and Red Light Therapy:

1. The target area is cleansed with an acne cleanser
2. You're fitted with a pair of goggles to protect your eyes from light
3. For 15 minutes, the target area is exposed to the Blue Light
4. For another 15 minutes, the target area is exposed to the Red Light
5. The target area is treated with a topical salicylic gel and sunscreen

As though its effectiveness and affordability aren't incentive enough to try this LIGHTWAVE therapy, the warmth emitted from Blue and Red Light Therapy is described by most people as a relaxing, enjoyable experience.

Everyone's acne treatment frequency varies depending on the severity of the acne, but it's most often twice a week for a 4- to 6-week period. As for results, most see a dramatic improvement within 8 weeks time, often seeing a clearance in acne of up to 70 percent!

To learn more about LIGHTWAVE Red Light Therapy and Blue Light Therapy for acne treatment, contact us today to find a provider near you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

New Car Technology Advancements

New Car Technology Advancements

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New Car Technology Advancements

Car technology is advancing at amazing speed so its no surprise that at least a couple cool things turn up each model year. Here are some of the latest innovations that will be coming out sometime in the near future that new car buyers can look forward to seeing.

Economy Mode

While we consider that most of us drivers are set in their ways and odds are we will never make the necessary changes to conserve on fuel. One example of such would be, we know that by simply not using our AC increases our fuel economy when we drive, but rather than just rolling down our window when we could to save fuel we opt to use the air conditioner to keep us cool. We are simply set in our ways when it comes to running our AC even when we could be just as comfortable at this time with a window down. With the new idea and innovation of the Economy Mode the car it will be able to determine what systems in your car are non-essential at the time and turn them off to save on fuel for the driver; examples could be the AC, Cruise Controls and others. The car would begin making these adjustments for the driver automatically. It's not just an idea in fact; some Hybrids feature an economy mode that limits A/C use on several models right now.

Black Box Technology

Planes have them and cars will too, and why not the Black box on planes have be literally invaluable for many years with its ability to get detail records of trips and logs of what happens to a plane in flight or when accidents occur. It's still being debated like most things that come to personal privacy and many people will no doubt object to the idea of the black box being implemented into their personal vehicles. The fact is that both Ford and General Motors already are using black Box technology in around two-thirds of the models built, but they are referred to as "recorders". Drivers can expect the advancement of these "recorders" to be able to tell police officers and insurance companies about car accidents, how fast you were driving, where you had driven that day and much more.

Cars That Park for You

Yes, a car that actually will do the parking is already in production today. There is already one type of system where the driver keeps his foot on the brake while the car amazingly enough parallel parks it's self. Its future looks bright, as this type of application could be very useful in the future not just in parking but also use in other tight places like garages.

Let the Car do the Driving

It's no longer just a dream or something we have seen in the movies, with the advancement of GPS and robotic technology setting your car on Auto Pilot where the navigation system guides the car to its destination while the driver sits back and relaxes will become a reality sooner than many people could imagine. Experimentation and planning is underway with the use of magnets and GPS to make this dream become a reality.

Crash Detection

Is already a reality with the Acura RL and it's called the Collision Mitigation System. Hopefully, one day all cars will include this type of safety feature. Where the cars decides on its own that a wreck is unavoidable and will warn the driver to brace for impacts as it automatically takes action for the driver by deploying the airbags hitting the brakes and tightens up seatbelts etc. all own its own.

The near future is indeed an exciting time.

New Business Continence Care Promote Independent Living With Discreet Delivery

New Business Continence Care Promote Independent Living With Discreet Delivery

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New Business Continence Care Promote Independent Living With Discreet Delivery

New Zealands number 1 online incontinence product specialists have recently launched a new site dedicated to promoting independent living. Continence Care are a company who are passionate about helping people to live happily, comfortably, and independently with their range of continence care products. The company promote independent living with their discreet delivery and unmarked boxes using USPs. Youll never have to worry about people knowing what youve ordered when you choose to order from Continence Care.
Products Offered By Continence Care

Continence Care offer a plethora of products to suit a number of continence issues:

- Disposable incontinence - large pads, ultra thin pads, pull up styles, and more.
- Wipes, gloves, and accessories - hygiene wipes, advance clear vinyl gloves, advance 3-in-1 cleansing milk, and more.
- Washable incontinence - bed pads with side tucks for single, double, and queen sized beds.

You can see the extensive range available on the Continence Care Website.

Fast And Discreet Delivery With Continence Care

Continence Care ensure all customers receive prompt and discreet delivery for all orders, with free delivery on orders over $100. An order will be delivered in 1-3 working days, but rural areas could take longer. Plain packaging is always used - so theres no need to worry about nosy neighbors, curious in-laws, or anybody else who might snoop.

Theres the option to choose auto ship to save money on your order, which is beneficial if you know youll be making repeat orders at continence care. You can save time, money, and stress by choosing this option, and never run out again with reliable and discreet delivery guaranteed.

With Auto-Ship you can choose to have your product discreetly packaged and delivered to you; weekly, fortnightly, monthly or every 3 months depending on how often you will need your items.

Its easy to cancel your autoship order at any time, so you are not entering into a contract at any point and dont need to worry.

Continence Care want all of their customers to have total peace of mind when using their service.

If you have any questions regarding Continence Care products and the service, dont hesitate to get in touch. You can find the FAQ page on site, or you can use the information below. Continence Care are always happy to help and will get back in touch ASAP.

Tim Redmond
Company: Continence Care
Address: Auckland, New Zealand
Telephone: + 64 6 843 9627

New Attack Method Delivers Malware via Mouse Hover

New Attack Method Delivers Malware via Mouse Hover

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New Attack Method Delivers Malware via Mouse Hover

In the past, we have known clicking on malicious links or opening spam emails as the major way of distributing malware. But today, a new way of malware attacks has been discovered. Hackers and spammers are infecting computers by the Mouse hovering over a power point presentation.

Trend Macro, a company offering IT security solutions, has discovered this latest form of attack. The company acknowledges that hackers are delivering malware to computers without necessarily clicking on links or downloading malicious files from emails. These attacks have recently targeted organizations in Poland, United Kingdoms, Netherlands and Sweden.

According to Trend Macro, Trojan usually activates when computer mouse hovers over an image or text link that is delivered through a spam email. The Trojan accomplishment is to steal personal information regarding banks, browsing history and remote access on the infected machine.

The powerpoint slide is attached in the spam email, and usually has a subject line with a finance-related word such as RE: Online purchase Order Report #OPOR1234. Immediately the mouse hovers over the link, the Trojan prompt Microsoft Power Shell to run the Malware. Once this happens, the Trojan downloads another downloader (JS_NEMUCOD.ELDSAUGH) in the form of a JSE (JavaScript Encoded file). JSE will finally retrieve the last payload from a command-and-control server.

Ms. PowerPoint can detect the suspicious files depending on the Microsoft Office the attackers are using before the script is executed. The latest versions of Microsoft Office deactivates the malicious files by default. To be precise, Office 365s power point and web mode are not affected by this form of attack.

If Ms.Power point doesnt stop Trojan, it goes on with its missions and accomplishments. However, the installation of the Trojan goes on without any form of notice in the older version of Microsoft Office that doesnt have protected view turned on. Lack of this action gives installed malware an added advantage of being one step ahead from being traced.


How OTLARD/Gootkit Variant compromises your machine?

Trojan downloader contains a variant OTLARD also known as Gootkit that has the capabilities to steal bank information. It emerged in the early 2012, and soon it was persistence with stealing confidential information, browsing manipulations and network traffic monitoring. Despite this, it has also been used to spread spam messages to intended users. A good example is when Gootkit was used to spread spam messages appearing as a letter from French Ministry of Justice in 2015.

OTLARD is also known to have it own variants that compromises websites through a malicious iframe. The variant downloads command modules for the target websites including its FTP credentials to be used to gain access to the website. For instance, websites in Sweden and Poland were compromised by OTLARD and after that used to send malicious documents to the citizen. Upon mouse hovering on the Ms. PowerPoint document, hacked websites in Netherland were used by the operators to drop a payload to the affected computers.

OTLARD operators initially delivered their payloads by using macro malware-laced documents targeting a limited number of countries. With its continued innovations and advancement; it has evolved from web injection to redirection of deceiving users with potential more success. It has reflected this by breaking down and extracting credentials and bank information from large organizations in Europe.

The greatest danger with this kind of macro-based mouse hover attack is that it appears to be invisible to the user. It goes ahead and makes the situation worse by conducting many malicious activities in the background such as compromising the computer as well as collecting confidential information (national identity no., banking information, identity particulars, etc.). OTLARD mostly targets windows operating systems including Windows 7, 8 and 10 to execute these functions.

OTLARD variant has become the latest channel for cybercriminals. The reason being; it does not require any initial or additional items to execute the payload. Microsoft Office documents are usually vulnerable to attacks because they are frequently used to communicate information all over the enterprise. Thus, OTLARD can use its variants to steal information anytime.


Precautions actions to take against Mouse Hover attacks

Protection is better than cure. Right! We can protect ourselves against this piece of malware getting installed on our computers. It would be wise if you turned on protected view on your Office applications. This is done by ensuring that all actions of protected view are correctly checked from Trust Center. You can access these settings by clicking on file, then options, at this juncture; you can click on Trust Center for Trust Center settings. Protected view enables the user to read the content of unknown suspicious file thus reducing the high chances of you machine getting infected.

Limiting the number of users can help to slow down the great number of attacks via mouse hover. Information security professionals and information technology administrators can prevent these attacks by editing registry and implement group policies that block user permission to enforce the principle of least privilege. Hence, the numbers of users accessing computers are reduced significantly.

Considering the doorway for malware is spam emails, mitigating email-based threats and keeping email gateway safe is recommendable. We have known that social engineering can be the cause of these attacks, creating a culture among employees to enforce cyber security can help to shutdown operators from intruding. The weakest link in computer access is the user, and this is the reason why users should be the first to take actions against any form of attack. If the user does not take precautionary measures, then, someone else will easily trick him into opening malicious email attachment and believe me say they will own your system. Therefore, let it become a habit to scan your emails at the gateway to keep off hackers tricks.

Its bad enough for hackers to trick us into clicking on links and programs that will get our machine infected. And it becomes worse when malware gets installed while doing nothing at all. This leaves with no option but to take actions in ensuring all security features for our hardware and software are up-to-date and turned on.


According to the research on mouse hover conducted by Trend Macro, it is evident that these cybercriminals are testing new techniques for use. This discovery has grave and severe implications. Features such as mouse hover and macros have been designed specifically for legitimate use. However, hackers are getting advantages over their use causing more cyber crimes nowadays. A simple socially engineered email, a mouse hover, and probably a click, are enough requirements to infect a victim.

As you have seen from this article, much attention has been put on OTLARD, new model of delivery, which might fall under the users radar. Despite the fact that OTLAND is a well-known malware, organizations are yet to employ precautionary measures as indicated to outdo this recent technique. Mouse Hover technique sounds unique and original, but its nothing when the user takes necessary actions against it at the door way. Since Mouse Hover largely depends on social engineering, organizations should play a significant role in educating their employees on how to watch out for spam mails.

Spam campaigns containing malicious files often send out millions of messages within a few hours. The average success rate of the mouse hover technique has not yet gotten established. A rate as low as 0.5 percent could transform to a massive threat to an entire organization and individuals surfing the internet across the globe, especially those with earlier versions of office.

Indeed, this remains the newest method delivering malware via mouse hovering.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Network Camera Video Surveillance on Campus

Network Camera Video Surveillance on Campus

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Network Camera Video Surveillance on Campus

A college or university is more than just a place to learn, it is a home for hundreds and more often thousands of people, a community. Because of the variances of purpose and design of campus facilities, video surveillance can be a tricky business on campus. Network cameras can help make video surveillance stronger and life on campus safer.

The Benefits of Video Surveillance

No matter where one is, security is always important. A college or university campus especially is a place where security is a top priority. A campus is a large community with people passing in and out on a regular basis, numerous buildings and facilities, residential and non-residential spaces. Properly developed video surveillance can help security keep tabs on key areas and increase safety for students and teachers alike at the school.

With so many potential threats on a modern campus, having a well-established and maintained video surveillance system can help campus police with keeping track of the goings on of such a large space. The presence of cameras can act as a deterrent for would-be criminals. This keeps students safer, as well as campus faculty and staff.

A video surveillance system can also be used by campus leadership in ensuring that campus policies such as curfews and the like are being properly followed. This eases up pressures on campus security forces, allowing them to spend their time more productively in defending against greater threats such as theft, vandalism and violent acts.

Network Camera Video Surveillance

For an area the size of an average campus, network cameras can be a great advantage to more traditional CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) camera set-ups. Network cameras are generally small and compact. They are easy to install, and have a host of benefits unrivalled by CCTV cameras.

Network cameras get their name from the fact that they are designed to work over a computer network, such as a LAN (Local Area Network) or the Internet. They come with built-in web servers, so that data can be sent directly to any network required. This provides simplified remote monitoring capabilities: video feeds can be access from anyone with authorization at any time and from anywhere. Even PDAs and cell phones with Internet access can be hooked into the network to view feeds, so security officers can view live security video even while out on patrol or checking on a potential threat.

With such a large campus, video analytics software can also be very useful. While it is always best to have human eyes on hand to catch any unusual disturbance, video analytics can also assist in this endeavor. Computers can be programmed to signal alarms at any sign of unusual activity within the digitized video provided by the network camera, immediately alerting security personnel even if none are currently watching the feed at the given moment an event occurs.

Installing a Network Camera Video Surveillance System on Campus

With so many buildings and so many open spaces, it is near impossible for a campus to be completely covered by surveillance cameras, and even if not it might be prohibitively difficult in terms of time and manpower. Thus, before installing a video surveillance system on campus you should examine what areas are the most vulnerable to security risks and determine exactly where cameras are needed.

Interior spaces, such as cafeterias, hallways, gyms, etc. should be looked at. Also certain exterior spaces such as parking lots are also prime spots for security cameras. More private areas such as dorms and locker rooms should be avoided, so as to protect the privacy of campus residents.

Native, HTML5, or Hybrid Information about Mobile Application Development Options.

Native, HTML5, or Hybrid Information about Mobile Application Development Options.

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Native, HTML5, or Hybrid Information about Mobile Application Development Options.

Native, HTML5, or Hybrid: Information about Mobile Application Development Options.

Screens are small, apps are big and life as we know it is back on its head. In a world that is increasingly social and open, mobile apps play a crucial role and have shifted the focus from content on the web to apps on our mobile device. Mobile apps are no longer an option, they are a must. You need a mobile app, but where do you start? There are many factors in your mobile strategy, such as: These include, for example, the development capabilities of your team, the required device functionality, the importance of security, offline capability, interoperability, and so on. In the end, it's not just a question of what your app will do, but how you get it there.

Like Goldilocks, you may need to try a pair of beds that are too soft or too hard before you find the one that's just right. And sometimes there just is not a perfect choice. Each development scenario has its pros and cons, and these can be inline or disagree with your means. Unlike Goldilocks, there are no bears we are struggling with, and it is our intention that this article prevents you from burning your lips on hot oatmeal (well, figuratively).

While this article is generally about developing mobile apps, it is specifically designed for developers who want to build mobile apps that interact with,, or The Salesforce Mobile SDK currently supports the creation of three types of apps:
Native apps are specific to a specific mobile platform (iOS or Android) and use the development tools and language that each platform supports (for example, Xcode and Objective-C with iOS, Eclipse and Java with Android). Native apps look and deliver the best performance.
HTML5 apps use standard web technologies - usually HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. This single-write approach, which can be run anywhere, creates cross-platform mobile applications that work across multiple devices. Although developers can create sophisticated apps using HTML5 and JavaScript alone, there are some important limitations at the time of writing, especially session management, secure offline storage, and access to native device features (camera, calendar, geolocation, etc.).
Hybrid apps allow embedding HTML5 apps in a thin native container, combining the best (and worst) elements of native and HTML5 apps.

Native mobile applications In short, native apps offer the best usability, the best features and the best mobile experience. There are a few things that you can only get with native apps: Multi-touch - double-tap, pinch spread and other connection UI gestures Fast Graphics API - The native platform gives you the fastest graphics, which is a big deal with a static screen with just a few elements or a lot of data a quick update.
Liquid animation - in the context of the fast graphics API is the ability to have fluid animation. This is especially important in games, highly interactive reports, or high-speed photo and sound conversion algorithms. Integrated Components - The device's camera, address book, geolocation, and other native features can be seamlessly integrated with mobile apps. Another important built-in component is encrypted memory, but more on that later. Ease of Use - The native platform is what people are used to. So if you add that familiarity with all the native features you expect, you'll have an app that's just easier to use.
Documentation - There are over 2500 books for iOS and Android development alone, with many more articles, blog posts, and detailed technical topics on sites like StackOverflow. Native apps are usually developed with an integrated development environment (IDE). IDEs provide tools for creating debugging, project management, version control, and other tools that professional developers need. While iOS and Android apps are developed using different IDEs and languages, there is a lot of parity in the development environments, and there is not much reason to be aware of the differences. Simply put, you are using the tools required by the device.
You need these tools because native apps are harder to develop. Likewise, the required level of experience is higher than in other development scenarios. They do not just cut and paste Objective-C and expect it to work. In fact, the technological know-how of your development team is an important consideration.
If you're a professional developer, you do not have to be sold on proven APIs and frameworks, painless special effects through established components or the benefits of having your code in one place. Let's face it, today an experienced native iOS or Android developer is a rock star and can make Rockstar claims.

While we got to know native apps from a development perspective, there is also the more important perspective: the end user. If you are looking for an app, you will find it in the shop. When you start the app, it will start immediately. Using the app gives you fast performance and a consistent platform look and feel. If your app requires an update, you will be notified. Native apps give you everything you expect from the company that built your device as if it were just meant to be. HTML5 Mobile Applications If you're new to mobile app development, you're late for the party.
For mobile web-based apps, however, we still celebrate like in 1999! Sure, browsers have gotten better in the last few years, but the underlying technology is not much different than if you feared the Y2K bug. But that can be a good thing. An HTML5 mobile app is basically a web page or series of web pages that work on a tiny screen. Therefore, HTML5 apps are device independent and can be opened with any modern mobile browser. And because your content is available on the web, it can be searched, which can be a big advantage depending on the app (for example, when shopping).
If you have experience in developing web apps, you will be taking HTML5 to the water like a duck. If you're new to web development, the technological bar is lower; It's easier to start here than with native or hybrid development. Unfortunately, every mobile device seems to have its own idea of what constitutes usable screen size and resolution, and therefore there is an added burden of testing on different devices.
The browser incompatibility is particularly common on Android devices, so the browser should be careful. An important part of the write-once-run-anywhere HTML5 method is that distribution and support is much easier than with native apps. Do you need to fix a bug or add features? Done and made available to all users. For a native app, there are longer development and testing cycles that the consumer typically needs to log into a store and download a new version to get the latest fix.

Over the past year, HTML5 has emerged as a very popular method for building mobile applications. Several UI frameworks are available to solve some of the most complex problems that developers do not want to reinvent. iScroll does a phenomenal job of emulating dynamic scrolling. JQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch provide sleek mobile components with hundreds, if not thousands, of plug-ins that range from merry-go-rounds to sophisticated controls. So, if HTML5 apps are easier to develop, easier to support, and able to reach the largest possible number of devices, where are these apps losing importance? We have already reviewed the main benefits of native development. We just want to repeat that you can not access native features on the device.
Users will not be familiar with the native look and feel or be able to use compound gestures that they are familiar with. But progress is being made on all fronts, and more and more features are always supported by browsers. The latest batch of browsers supports hardware-accelerated CSS3 animation features, offering smooth movements for slidable panels and transitions between screens, but even these can not match the performance and flexibility of native apps.
Today, it's just not possible to capture multi-touch input events (detect when there's more than one finger on the screen) or create path-style elegance with spin-out buttons and photos that float and then fall into place. Especially for mobile companies, however, there are significant limitations regarding offline storage and security. While you can implement offline features by caching files on the device, this is not a good solution. Although the underlying database may be encrypted, it is not as well-segmented as native keychain encryption, which protects every app with a developer's certificate.
When launching a web application with authentication from the desktop, users must enter their credentials each time the app is sent to the background. This is a lousy experience for the user. In general, implementing even trivial security measures on a native platform can be complex tasks for a mobile web developer. So if security is paramount, it can be the deciding factor on which mobile technology you choose.

Hybrid Mobile Applications Hybrid development combines the best (or worst) of the native and HTML5 worlds. We define hybrid as a Web application that consists primarily of HTML5 and JavaScript and then embedded in a thin native container that provides access to native platform features. PhoneGap is an example of the most popular container for creating hybrid mobile apps. In most cases, hybrid apps offer the best of both worlds. Existing web developers who have become gurus in optimizing JavaScript, using CSS to create beautiful layouts, and writing HTML code that works on any platform can now create sophisticated mobile applications that do not sacrifice native capabilities.
In some circumstances, native developers can write plug-ins for tasks such as image processing, but in such cases the devil is in the details. On iOS, the embedded web browser or UIWebView is not the same as the Safari browser. While the differences are small, they can cause debugging issues. For this reason, it pays to invest in popular frameworks that have taken all constraints into account. You know that native apps are installed on the device while HTML5 apps are on a web server.
So you'll wonder if hybrid apps store their files on the device or on a server. Yes. In fact, there are two ways to implement a hybrid app. Local - You can package HTML and JavaScript code in the mobile application binary file, similar to a native application. In this scenario, you use REST APIs to move data back and forth between the device and the cloud. Server - Alternatively, you can implement the full Web application from the server (with optional caching for better performance) by simply using the container as a thin shell over UIWebview.

Netflix has a really cool app that uses the same code base to run the UI on all devices: tablets, phones, smart TVs, DVD players, refrigerators, and cars. While most people have no idea and do not care how the app is implemented, you are interested in knowing that they can change the interface on the fly or perform A / B testing to determine the best user interactions. The core of decoding and streaming video are delegated to the native level for optimal performance.
So it's a fast, seemingly native app that truly offers the best of both worlds. Conclusion Mobile development is a constantly moving goal. Every six months, there is a new mobile operating system with unique features that can only be accessed with native APIs. The containers soon bring them to hybrid apps, with the Web making huge leaps every few years. Based on current technology, one of the scenarios described in this article will meet your needs.

Multiple Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in ManageEngine Products

Multiple Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in ManageEngine Products

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Multiple Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in ManageEngine Products

Collaboration Results in Prompt Resolution
Digital Defense, Inc., a leading security technology and services provider, today announced that its Vulnerability Research Team (VRT) uncovered multiple, previously undisclosed vulnerabilities within several ManageEngine products, allowing unauthenticated file upload, blind SQL injection, authenticated remote code execution and user enumeration, potentially revealing sensitive information or full compromise of the application. Affected applications include: ServiceDesk Plus, Service Plus MSP, OpManager, Firewall Analyzer, Network Configuration Manager, OpUtils and NetFlow Analyzer.

ManageEngine is an innovative producer of enterprise IT management software, offering high-end functionality of large network management frameworks to enterprises worldwide. Currently, the company claims to have more than 40,000 customers worldwide, including three out of every five Fortune 500 company.

This disclosure follows Digital Defenses recent Zero-Day advisory on the DELL EMC Data Protection Suite Family Products.

What You Can Do ManageEngine has addressed the vulnerabilities with patches available for each of the affected applications. Patches can be downloaded from the ManageEngine site. Digital Defenses Frontline Vulnerability Manager includes checks for the flaws. Details surrounding the disclosure can be accessed at the Digital Defense blog.

Mike Cotton, vice president of engineering at Digital Defense said, Application layer vulnerabilities continue to be a key area of focus for software vendors. We are pleased to work collaboratively with affected vendors to facilitate prompt resolution, ensuring our clients and enterprises are protected from any potential exploitation of these vulnerabilities.

Digital Defense Research Methodology and Practices The Digital Defense VRT regularly works with organizations in the responsible disclosure of zero-day vulnerabilities. The expertise of the VRT, when coupled with the companys next generation hybrid cloud platform, Frontline Vulnerability Manager, enables early detection capabilities. When zero-days are discovered and internally validated, the VRT immediately contacts the affected vendor to notify the organization of the new finding(s) and then assists, wherever possible, with the vendors remediation actions.

About Digital Defense Serving clients across numerous industries, from small businesses to very large enterprises, Digital Defenses innovative and leading edge technology helps organizations safeguard sensitive data and eases the burdens associated with information security. Frontline Vulnerability Manager, the original Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) platform, delivers consistently accurate vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, while SecurED, the companys security awareness training, promotes employees security-minded behavior. The Digital Defense Frontline suite of products, underpinned by patented technology and complemented with unparalleled service and support, are highly-regarded by industry experts, as illustrated by the companys designation as Best Scan Engine by Frost & Sullivan, top 20 ranking (#16) in Cybersecurity Ventures list of the Worlds 500 Hottest Cybersecurity Companies, five-star review in SC Magazine, and inclusion in CRNs MSP 500.

Contact Digital Defense at 888-273-1412; visit, our blog, LinkedIn, or follow @Digital_Defense on Twitter.

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Mother Eulogy How Do You Write a Eulogy for Your Mother

Mother Eulogy How Do You Write a Eulogy for Your Mother

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Mother Eulogy How Do You Write a Eulogy for Your Mother

It is always a said time when a loved one passes on. It is really hard when it is your mother. You may wander how to write a eulogy for your own mother when you are grieving from such a close loss.

Writing a eulogy for your own mother may seem difficult and stressful, but it can also be a grieving process. This can also lead to healing the sorrow of the loss. It may sound harder than it actually is.

Some people may just sit down and write the whole eulogy at once. This may be easier to do for some people than others. That is alright, because every person is different. You don't have to be a writer to be able to write a eulogy. Take whatever time you need to write it, even if it takes a few hours to do.

A eulogy is about writing and saying your own feelings towards your mother. Don't say what others want you to say. The words you speak about your own mother in the eulogy are your words coming from your innermost feelings about her. You could say how you felt about her, how much love and care you had for her and from her. Most of what you will write and say will be from your heart.

In the eulogy for your mother, you could also talk about those good memories only a mother and child can have. That kind of relationship is like no other relationship a person will ever have. Your mother and child relationship is worth talking about in the eulogy you write for her. These memories are a great part of any relationship, so talk about it. Maybe even talk about it as if you were talking to your mother. Your mother would still love these memory conversations with you.

Whatever you want to write and say in the eulogy for her is a great idea, as long as it is not mean spirited in any way. A eulogy is about love, feelings, memories, and heart felt tears. Writing a eulogy will help you grieve. It will help you heal. A eulogy will help you remember your mother in a special way.

As you are writing the eulogy for your mother, remember to write from your heart and memories. It is a form of high praise you are giving to her. Praise your mother in it. Talk to your mother in it. But most of all, remember the eulogy you are writing for your mother is from you to her. Love her even though you are crying.

Mobile App Development The Future Is Exciting and Cutting-Edge

Mobile App Development The Future Is Exciting and Cutting-Edge

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Mobile App Development The Future Is Exciting and Cutting-Edge

The mobile app industry is at the most interesting juncture both from the users perspective and the developers. One thing is certain that mobile app development is going to dominate the tech space in the coming years. New types of devices and highly evolved applications that do much more than your mundane games and entertainment will come into play. Mobile app devices are predicted to surpass all records by 2020 with about 6.1 billion smartphones to be in circulation. 

With the arrival of AI, IoT, cross-platform development and other factors, the future of mobile app development seems exciting and unpredictable. What are some trends that developers need to be aware of, with regards to the future of app development? Armed with this knowledge and requisite skills, developers need to focus on some of these areas to be future-ready and design better. 

Cross-platform and cross-device development
A mobile application development services company no longer has the luxury of one device type or OS. The evolution of HTML5 technology and other trends like Progressive Web Apps means that the future belongs to apps that work across devices and platforms, and can be built quickly saving time and costs.

Enterprise apps
It is the age of anytime availability and BYOD. Enterprises now invest in sleek, powerful and tailormade app solutions that help them increase sales, boost conversion, be accessible and supplement their old enterprise systems with cutting-edge and light technology. Many enterprises have opted for managed services to run their apps or create bespoke apps addressing specific problems. Either way, enterprise apps are here to stay and a sure thing. 

IoT Applications
The Internet of Things or IoT is one of the hottest technology trends and mobile apps are now leveraging the power of IoT.  Mobile apps can play a significant role in connecting the world further and blurring the lines between real and virtual with IoT and wearable tech. There have been some great apps that are intuitive and richly featured apps. Since smartphones are often the medium of communication between IoT widgets and the users, they can supplement the IoT ecosystem in improving our lives, healthcare, and other arenas. 

Location-based Services
As apps have overtaken a large number of our routine tasks from ordering groceries to locating handymen for odd jobs, technology has evolved to make these tasks easier. Location-based apps and services provide the more location-centric and relevant information based on users history and interests. Location-based apps will continue to rise in the consumer as well as enterprise domain.

Cloud-driven mobility
A Cisco research says that cloud-based apps will drive around 90 percent of total data traffic by 2019 and mobile cloud traffic will grow by 11-fold with a compound annual growth rate of 90%. Cloud computing has found its place with mobile apps and apps of the future will lean more towards the cloud rather than the device.  In fact, cross-platform compatibility, enterprise apps focusing on BYOD will all benefit from mobile cloud apps. These are also more robust from the security standpoint. 

The rise of mCommerce
Mobile commerce is expected to rise exponentially in the next couple of years and instead of using credit/debit cards, customers prefer mobile ways of payment like Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and many other services.  Predictive analysis, big data, and wearable tech will also boost the mCommerce trend and inspire more mobile purchases.

To wrap it up
Mobile app developers cant afford to be complacent and rely on obsolete tools and trends. To be at the leading edge of technology and remain competitive and relevant, you need to stay fresh and updated with new technologies and waves that shape the world of mobile apps. Do you agree? Please let us know your opinion in the comment section below.

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