Friday, April 6, 2018

How To Make App Store Optimization More Effective

How To Make App Store Optimization More Effective

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How To Make App Store Optimization More Effective

Whenever the term ASO comes, there are two categories of people, one who admit that they have no clue about it, and the others explain to you that ASO is similar to SEO for App stores. The latter is not entirely wrong. It is the simple and easiest way to explain this concept to the people who are unfamiliar with it. Still, the real concept is more deep, interesting and complex.

The main difference between the ASO and SEO depends on what happens after the users enter the app page. The process ends here for the SEO. The reason of including specific keywords in the web pages is to make the website appear among results of the top search for related queries.

For App store, the process is just started. Our objective is not to generate the traffic on the app page, but to make sure that the app has been discovered by the loyal and relevant users. Those users wont only visit app page but install our app and use it regularly. We do it for conversion, not for traffic.

For mobile app optimization, it is necessary for you to pay attention to the several aspects. This will play an important role during the visit of a potential user. Here are some key steps for creating an informative, compelling and creative experience for the users.

Relevant Keyword

This is similar to SEO. By using specifically selected tools like App Annie and SensorTower, the content of your page should be comprised of relevant and in demand terms. This will lead the potential users to the app. You need to hit the right stability between various levels of difficulty and traffic. There are many words which you can compete with. But there is need to be aware while selecting the keyword.  

Note: Simple App store search can bring the most organic traffic to the page, so choose the keywords wisely.

Application Description

Although keywords research generates the best response out of Apple and Google's algorithms. Still, there are some users who read the app description before deciding whether or not, they are going to install your app. You need to be precise on your content. It should not be stuffed with the keyword because that stuffing will make the app description uncleared and affects the ASO.

Note: Potential and loyal users do not care about the keywords. They would prefer those apps which ask permission to access their personal and sensitive information. You have to be careful about the text which wont contradict needs of the user.

Icon Of The App

The app icon should be unique. You have to be sure that the app would give the user a sense of what the application is able to do. There is a way to turn the flat icon of an app into an eye-catcher. You can put a small picture in the frame and allow the icon to break that frame and create a 3D effect.   

Note: When the users examine different option after the search, the icon of the app is the first thing they notice, so, it must be perfect.


It is necessary to put the screenshots in your app page as it can be proven as another advertising platform. An unfamiliar brand should pay more attention to this aspect. It may bring an opportunity for them to grow in the market and make their mobile app optimization more effective.

Note: Use screenshots to tell everything about the app. Dont make the app page boring.

App Name

The name of your app should be informative and catchy. The leading keyword should be a part of your app title. Choosing the right app name is a challenge for the developers. As there is a character limitation on the Google Play store. Dont choose a title which just sounds fun and attractive, instead research your category and observe the influence of chosen keyword on ranking.

Note: Try to make your title short and sweet, so it will be easily understood by the users and lead them to your app.


To influence the ranking, you should choose the right category for the app. The right category should be based on the generated revenue and level of competition. Apple has introduced subcategories along with primary category. This has divided the App store into segments. It also allows the developers to rank high in specific fields.

Note: Categories chosen by the developers give the better sense of functionality of app to the potential users. It also allows the users to find the app in the relevant search.  


Sometimes it is tricky to choose the price of the app for the users. There are many free apps available in the market. At that time, asking the users to pay for your app seems risky. If you have planned to place the app in apps on sale section, first decide the price. The price of the app must be chosen wisely and it should be affordable. In addition to that, you can launch sales and special offer during holidays.


Once all the aspects like title, screenshots, and description are in their place, you can upload your app to the App store. You have to constantly measure your results and optimize it. For this, you can add more creative content, change the description of the app and try different keywords time to time. It would let you know everything about the response of the users towards your app.


It is necessary to fully understand the needs of users and what drives them to install an application. App developers can apply the above points in their mobile app performance optimization and make the experience of the user more convenient and interesting.

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