Sunday, April 8, 2018

How to solve GMAT Reading Comprehension assumption questions

How to solve GMAT Reading Comprehension assumption questions

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How to solve GMAT Reading Comprehension assumption questions

GMAT Reading comprehension assumption question is another RC Question type that is tough to crack.The assumption questions normally mentions
According to the passage the assumption that " ....." . Here the assumption might be a term or a phrase,which can be crystalized by reading the entire passage or just one or two paragraphs.

The best strategies to follow are the following :

1) Find out whether the assumption question requires us to read the entire passage or just a few paragraphs.

The question itself gives us the hint to read the entire passage or one or two paragraphs

2) As in inference question do not use personal assumption to crack the question

3) Do not contradict the main idea

Now let's apply the strategy for the following:

P1) Although Victor Turners writings have proved fruitful for fields beyond anthropology, his definition of ritual is overly restrictive. Ritual, he says, is prescribed formal behavior for occasions not given over to technological routine, having reference to beliefs in mystical beings or powers. Technological routine refers to the means by which a social group provides for its material needs. Turners differentiating ritual from technology helps us recognize that festivals and celebrations may have little purpose other than play, but it obscures the practical aims, such as making crops grow or healing patients, of other rituals. Further, Turners definition implies a necessary relationship between ritual and mystical beliefs. However, not all rituals are religious; some religions have no reference to mystical beings; and individuals may be required only to participate in, not necessarily believe in, a ritual. Turners assumption that ritual behavior follows belief thus limits the usefulness of his definition in studying ritual across cultures.

Main Idea : Turner's definition of rituals is flawed as in cannot be used to study rituals across cultures

Q) The passage suggests that an assumption underlying Turners definition of ritual is that (A) anthropological concepts apply to other fields (B) festivals and ceremonies are related cultural phenomena (C) there is a relationship between play and practical ends (D) rituals refer only to belief in mystical beings or powers (E) mystical beings and powers have certain common attributes across cultures

1) "The passage suggests that " gives us a hint to read the entire passage to crack the assumption question.

2) The personal asssumption is that Turner's definition was flawed.It is confirmed by the main idea that it cannot be used to study rituals across cultures.

3) According to victor turner rituals refer only to belief in mystical beings or powers but the author attacks this finding by providing counter evidence . Therefore the assumption of the passage is summarized by Choice C

This choice does not contradict the main idea of the passage

Correct Answer : D

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