Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Is Technology Interfering or Enhancing Our Lives and Relationships

Is Technology Interfering or Enhancing Our Lives and Relationships

Image source: http://sites.psu.edu/siowfa15/wp-content/uploads/sites/29639/2015/09/f.png

Is Technology Interfering or Enhancing Our Lives and Relationships

As we become more and more technologically connected to our smart phones, our computers, our IPods and IPads, our Kindle and our video games are we becoming more disconnected from real life and real people? Or is technology facilitating and enriching human relationships?

I dont think there is a simple yes/no answer, as technology can BOTH enrich and deplete real relationships. We stay in touch with people who live far way through Facebook, phone, e-mail or skype. We can communicate instantly with anybody, just at the touch of a finger. Yet, this same technology can prevent us from being face-to-face with people, as one phone call can just do it. We can defriend people we no longer want to associate with just by pressing a key on our keyboard. No second thoughts. No guilt. No embarrassment. We dont even have to provide long explanations for our decisions. We can maintain more superficial contacts, avoiding getting too personal.

The most important consequence of being hooked on technology, however, is the fragmentation of our time. We cannot go through a meal without checking our Blackberries; we cannot go through a whole conversation without being distracted by our phone ringing, or by texting. Often our attention is spread between more than one focus. This is what I mean by fragmentation. We function in bits: one moment here, one moment there, and back to the first focus, and so on. Children complain their parents dont give them full attention, as they listen to their days in school while checking their e-mails or texting. The reality is that most of us cannot do more than one thing at a time WELL. When we jump back and forth between different areas, we end up by being fully nowhere. Children, when they notice their parents not paying them full attention as they talk, may believe its their fault. Perhaps they are disappointing to the parents, or not interesting enough, or parents dont love them, they may wonder. Sooner or later they will disconnect as well, creating a rift that wont be repaired as they grow older. Eventually they, too, will get hooked to technology as they saw their parents do, and fragment their attention between different areas, people and activities.
Another insidious aspect of technology is that it is always available, and responds to our commands without complaining, without throwing a tantrum or disliking us, unlike real people who may do all these things and more. We get used giving commands and be immediately and consistently obeyed. We thus become more impatient with our partners in real life, and expect them to respond to us just like our technological devices do. Some of us may seek refuge in technology altogether, limiting human contact and deluding ourselves that we are connected through the use of social media and phone and e-mail interactions.

What can we do to maintain a healthy balance between technology and real life and relationships? The answer is: MAINTAIN HEALTHY BOUNDARIES. Turn your phone off when your child comes home from school, or when you are having a meal with your spouse, family or a friend. Give the person in front of you your FULL attention when they talk, rather than moving back and forth between the person and the machine that is demanding your attention. Disconnect when you are outside, taking a walk, watering your flowers and, in general, being in contact with nature, or whenever you need a space to think, reflect and enjoy your solitude in order to feel replenished and restored.

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Image source: http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/q8iPKQHYxMCM2DQV2aW_.A--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQyMTtweG9mZj01MDtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz0...