Image source: https://philipstein.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/3/13ti-bcs-tss_31.jpg
The inventiveness of the watches created by Philip Stein is in their specifically calculated Teslar chips. The pioneering, high-tech scalar module efficiently functions in conjunction with the electrical field that is instantaneously generated by the small battery, and the magnetic field created by the quartz crystal timing coil. Taking these two fields, the Teslar chip makes them collapse into one another, forming an electromagnetic field or a 'zero-point' Teslar wave, which is free-standing and longitudinal. The scalar wave is not merely a level, inert waveform of terminated energies; it's alive with equal and opposing energies that balance one another. On this long waveform, the Teslar chip propels a 7 to 9 hertz frequency through and around the body by way of the left arm's main energy conduit.
This left-hand energy superhighway, also known as a meridian, allows the waveform's signal to be conducted throughout the body, bolstering and reinforcing the body's natural electromagnetic field, operating more or less like a protective force field, invincible to the prejudicial static created by the surrounding electromagnetic fields of modern life. This effect produces a sensation like being in a quiet, calm room, free from the tumult of the electromagnetic hurricane raging through our environment.
The oscillation, 7 to 9 hertz, actively imitates the earth's 7.83 hertz frequency of electromagnetic field, a number that was minutely measured by researchers at UC Berkeley's Seismology Lab. This frequency is therefore the most natural to be exposed to, generating sensations of peace and relaxation that can calmly inspire the human body to perform as it would in the untamed, virgin world before electricity and other strong, harmful factors were such a huge part of life. The signal always remains biologically interactive, making sure that the body's intricate systems do not acclimatize to the stimulus, as they are wont to do if the effect remains the same for too long.
The original scientific tests of the Teslar technology, a magnetometer was connected to an oscilloscope and a digital numeric readout, to measure the period of oscillation (the hertz) and the electromagnetic field being released. A sensor (basically a glad container full of purified water, plus the magnetometer) was placed inside of a Faraday cage (an enclosed, shielded room), and a test subject would place his or her hands on either side of the water jug. Water is conductive and will transport any electromagnetic energy that is introduced to it, and therefore the magnetometer would pick up the energy and show it on the digital readout.
Subjects who often practiced meditation or concentrated prayer, or who were good at completely relaxing, were able to lower the frequencies that were coming up no the readout, through their hands (and concentration) alone, showing how sensitive humans are to these frequencies. But maintaining such low frequencies by force of will takes a lot of concentration and would be next to impossible to maintain all day long.
That is what the Teslar watch is for. When the Philip Stein watch is placed such that the magnetometer will pick up its frequency emissions, it is shown to generate a field that keeps the wearer at 7 to 9 hertz all day long, sans effort.